Deep fryers

Electric deep fat fryer

  • Deep drawn basin seamlessly welded into the top frame, with safety rim to prevent foam from overflow and cold zone
  • Deep drawn basin seamlessly welded into the top frame, with safety rim to prevent foam from overflow and cold zone
  • Tubular heating elements may be swung out for easy cleaning of basin
  • Regulated by thermostat from 100° up to 195°C
  • Protection against overheating by 2nd safety device according to VDE/IEC
  • Drain via ball valve


Total filling capacity1 x 12 l / 8 l
Free-standing applianceSEF 124
Table-top/Wall applianceSEF 128
SEF 124

Electric chip scuttle

  • Deep drawn basin GN 1/1 seamlessly welded into the top frame
  • Container GN 1/1 – 200 mm deep with perforated drip and slide sheet
  • Heated by superposed radiation heater
  • Manual temperature control by energy regulator


Size1 x GN 1/1
Free-standing applianceSEF 040
Table-top/Wall applianceSEF 048


SEF 040

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